OCB, a venerable brand with roots dating back to 1918, is the world’s premier provider of environmentally-conscious rolling papers, marrying a rich history of craftsmanship with a commitment to sustainability in every facet of their products.

OCB Rolling Papers

About OCB Rolling Papers

Since its inception in 1918, OCB has become a living testament to a love affair with paper-making that spans over two centuries. Rooted in the Bolloré family’s passion and craftsmanship, the brand’s journey began beside the Odet River in 1822, where a paper mill thrived due to the pure waters nearby. The 1918 birth of OCB, named in homage to the Odet River, Cascadec mill, and the Brittany-based Bolloré family, marked the official start of a legacy that now resides on the shores of Lac Léman in the French Alps—a family-owned paper mill celebrating its centenary.

This rich history intertwines with OCB’s commitment to authenticity, sustainability, and innovation. From responsible harvesting of Acacia gum in Africa’s Sahel region to the cutting-edge technology at the carbon-neutral Perpignan facility, OCB remains at the forefront of rolling paper craftsmanship. Sourcing materials within a 500 km radius, employing biodegradable packaging, and utilizing diverse renewable energy sources reflect OCB’s dedication to environmental stewardship. The brand’s unwavering commitment to quality and sustainability has solidified its position as the world’s #1 preferred rolling paper—a harmonious blend of tradition, innovation, and a profound respect for the Earth.