Dispensary Deals & Specials
Below you can find all our specials and deals available at all of our dispensaries. We frequently run deals on flower, concentrates, edibles, and more. This page is consistently being updated with new dispensary deals, so please visit again to check for any updates. You can also see our store’s menus to check for any other deals not listed on this page.
Vendor of the month: January
Dialed In… Gummies & 710 Labs
January’s vendor of the month specials:
- 25% OFF all Dialed In… Gummies
- 25% OFF all 710 Labs
Cannot combine with other offers or discounts. While supplies last.
Every Tuesday
Every Tuesday you will receive 25% OFF Tastebudz cannabis infused gummies.
Every Wednesday
Wyld Gummies
Every Wednesday you will receive 25% OFF your WYLD gummies. It’s the perfect day to load up on all the mouth watering flavors WYLD has to offer.
Every Sunday
Solventless Sundays
We offer 20% OFF all solventless concentrates every Sunday at all of our locations. From live rosin to rosin cartridges, Sunday is the best day to load of for the week.