levitt pavilion free concert pop up ruby hill denver dispensary near you concert booth free swag and promotional info

 Colorado Harvest Company is a founding sponsor of Levitt Pavilion, located in Denver’s Ruby Hill neighborhood. Since its inception, Levitt Pavilion has hosted a wide variety of musical acts for a thriving local community – offering free, live music in the open air.

Come join us this summer at one or more of the select concerts below to get free swag and learn more from our staff and our vendors!

Visit us before or after the show at one of our nearby Denver dispensary locations for great products, service, and deals every day! Our Kalamath location in the Ruby Hill neighborhood, and our Broadway location on the Green Mile, are just minutes away from Levitt Pavilion.
Enjoy Levitt’s state-of-the-art amphitheater, along with:
  • 50 free concerts annually, with local, regional, national, and international acts
  • A rich spectrum of musical genres, including R&B, Country, Rock, Latin, Blues, Jazz, Children’s, and more
  • A relaxed, open lawn setting
  • Local food vendors
  • State-of-the-art sound and lighting
  • A family-friendly environment
  • Easily accessible by public transportation and bike paths
  • Conveniently located near our South Denver dispensary near you!
Find us at these free Levitt Pavilion concerts:
See you at the show!